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Julie Bustos

SVP, Marketing Innovation

At Lacek since 1996

If you weren't in marketing, what would you be doing?

I'd be learning everything I could about everything. I am infinitely curious about the world. (Is there a job for that?)

What was your best job before coming to Lacek?

It's a tie between working at the University Book Store in Madison, Wisconsin, and working for the Sea Grant Institute. The former really massaged my desire to organize things systematically, while the latter really accelerated my interest in technology. The Sea Grant Institute had enormous technology budgets at the dawning of the internet and was able to acquire and run cutting-edge internet services like websites, Real Audio streaming, etc.

Complete this sentence: My family thinks I'm...

Nice and genuine...if a bit peculiar.

Best advice you've gotten, career or otherwise?

Be yourself and don't be afraid to make things fun.

What’s a fun fact people don’t know about you?

I love to fix large appliances.

Julie Bustos